Who is a barista and what does he do?

You need to know how to brew coffee any fan of this drink will tell you that. Simply pouring coffee powder into the coffee machine won’t do the trick. You need to select the right beans, grind them properly, prepare the water…

You can learn this whole process yourself. And even buy an expensive coffee machine. But if you just want a cup of invigorating coffee from time to time, it is easier and cheaper to turn to a coffee specialist – a barista.

Who is a barista and what does he do?

Either way, the word comes from the Italian “barista”, which refers to a worker who serves customers at the bar. Because of this, a barista is often confused with a bartender, although the only thing they have in common is that they both prepare drinks. The former brews exclusively coffee, while the latter works with alcohol.

The confusion arose largely because there was simply no such profession in US for a long time. When the need arose, the barista’s job responsibilities in catering establishments were performed by a barmaid.

What does a barista do

Initially, the work of this specialist involved exclusively brewing espresso – in Italy, this is still an extremely popular drink. Gradually, as the specialty developed, the range expanded. Incidentally, Starbucks founder Howard Schultz contributed a lot to this. It is largely thanks to him that barista is now a separate profession.

Schulz, like no one else, understood coffee and understood that mastering all the nuances of preparing this drink is possible only after special training and long-term practice.

Barista Duties

So, since a barista is a coffee specialist, his main responsibility is to prepare drinks based on it. And we are not only talking about espresso, but also dozens of other types of coffee, brewed in different ways. Experienced specialists often come up with their own signature recipes.

Thus, the job responsibilities of a barista in the workplace include:

  1. fulfillment of customer orders;
  2. consultations on selection, communication with visitors;
  3. counting and handing over the proceeds at the cash desk after the shift;
  4. keeping records of products and consumables;
  5. preparation of applications for the purchase of products;
  6. selection of coffee varieties for brewing.

In short, in practice this specialist works both as a cashier and as a supply specialist. The work is not easy and requires skills and agility from the barista.

The hardest work begins with the influx of visitors. As a rule, this is the morning rush hour and lunchtime. The worker needs to keep up with everything: making coffee, taking orders, and counting out change. The worst option is when he works alone, without a partner.

What a barista should be able to do

Any profession (especially in the service sector) requires a long time to master. The more experience, the better. However, you always have to start somewhere. As a rule, for a barista, this begins with mastering the coffee maker and related devices. And then – improving skills. 

A good barista should know the recipes of popular coffee drinks and at least 40 different coffee preparation options, as well as:

  • own a coffee machine and related equipment (grinders, pitchers, holders, etc.);
  • know the varieties of coffee;
  • have skills in working with cash collection, be able to calculate profits, and work with expense accounting programs.

Of course, first of all, a barista should know the varieties of coffee and be familiar with coffee aromas. Also, he would benefit from skills in drawing on the surface of a latte (the so-called latte art), the ability to balance the strength, temperature and grind of coffee. In addition, the worker must maintain the required parameters in the coffee machine throughout the shift. All this comes with experience, but even a novice specialist should understand well what and why he is doing.

Of course, the most important skill of a barista is customer focus. The ability to maintain a conversation with a client, to consult and promptly prompt what is needed, the ability to smile and always be polite – these are always important qualities in the service industry.

Much also depends on the appearance of the specialist. The worker must be neat and presentable, and have a good personality. For this reason, employers prefer to hire young girls for this job, although this work is also quite accessible to men.

Where do you learn to be a barista?

One of the advantages of the barista profession is the opportunity to get a job without experience. You can master the basic skills in practice in just a week. However, in order to learn all the intricacies of coffee making, it is advisable to take a training course.

The most prestigious of them, of course, are located in Minnesota and Mexico. Petersburg, and are often organized by various international organizations. However, experienced specialists say that the certificate or diploma of the school itself is not so important. Employers are more interested in what kind of mentor the employee studied with and what skills.

How much does a barista earn

There is a real boom in small coffee shops in US now, so experienced coffee brewers are needed everywhere. Barista skills are in demand in small private coffee shops, restaurants, hotels and chain catering establishments.

The largest number of vacancies, of course, are concentrated in Minnesota. However, good coffee makers are also needed in other cities. Often, they are ready to hire them even without experience. The barista will be taught all the necessary skills on the spot. The main condition is the presence of a valid medical book.

Salary is not the most attractive aspect of a barista’s job. On average, an employee in the provinces receives from 2.5 to 5 thousand USD. In Minnesota, a barista earns about 40 thousand. However, this only includes the bare salary, without taking into account tips left by the client. In addition, earnings often depend on the number of shifts worked.

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