What do we do?
Our searchable records of hundreds of thousands of quality original posts, written by Experienced Authors & bloggers, enable email newsletter publishers hungry for fresh material to find an article to use in their next newsletter (up to 25 articles a year per our Publisher TOS).
What makes us Unique?
Your articles will be managed through our proprietary management software that will allow you to get as close as possible to the loyal audience of hundreds of thousands of daily visitors as well as our email newsletter editors who are members of EACH ‘s thousands, thousands or even hundreds. That means that hundreds of thousands or even millions of people may be introduced to the original article and knowledge, and not passively wait for anyone to syndicate it on another website without any traffic.
What is EzeeArticle.com?
We’re fascinated with the end! Decisions are taken to provide our users with a positive experience.
We’re obsessed with pace! We are never satisfied and we invest actively in new resources to provide a smoother experience.
We provide a creative forum for experts to exchange information, experience, and knowledge in return for traffic.
We are based on consistency, operationally efficient, and guided by metrics.
We take a holistic view of ensuring that those who refer us to traffic look good at their users for doing so.
Our site provides expert insights, short, educational, or entertaining posts.
Our website is a platform where the author has exclusive access to the content of the posts.
Our expert content is suitable for email newsletter publishers searching for information that they can syndicate to their members’ benefit.
We are funded with ads so that our core market services can be Accessible.
We rely on feedback provided by the user/member and this influences our potential features/services significantly.
We are comprised of a tiny, dedicated team of people who care about delivering great service.
Why Choose us?
You’ll have an opportunity to get a huge visibility rise and a prestige boost. You will be able to include in your Resource Box (located directly below your article body) a short blurb about yourself, your company, and your website which returns pre-qualified visitors to your website.
We support millions of unique visitors monthly and have over 10000 + RSS feeds plus 500 + lists of email updates planned to announce any new article posted to over 10000+ members/publishers based on approval.
Publishers must provide your Resource Box (which includes your mini-bio or contact details on the website) and must not change or alter your article in any way without your permission.
What to do next?
Taking a few moments to achieve the recognition and visibility you would get as an Expert:
• Review our Terms of service
• Review our privacy policy
Your free Simple membership today allows you to apply 5 posts! Our human editors check any and every article to ensure accuracy. Basic article submissions are reviewed in the order in which they are received, and we appreciate your diligence throughout the process.
If your products follow our quality criteria we will advance your account to the next level of membership: Platinum. This level allows you to submit infinite products and have the processing speed of priority article review.
Do you want to take it a step further? Enter our Elite Experts by sending only the best quality posts to apply for Diamond membership, In which we offer promising unrestricted applications, top-notch article rating rates, and more visibility on our web!