Birds appreciate toys as much as children do. Bird lovers must know that these pets love toys, which make them funnily spend their time, and parrot toys also help with the birds’ psychological development. Parrots are very active birds, but they are intelligent, too. No matter what bird you have at home, it is essential to have different types of toys as they need to have their time occupied, especially when you are away from home and left alone.
Even though pet stores are full of different bird accessories, choosing the right ones for your particular bird species is crucial. If you give your parrot the proper toys, it will help a lot in its development, besides the fact that it will also make her very happy. You can opt for many toys in local stores and online, where you can find different toys, from minor to big ones, different colours, some specific for birds to use their beaks on, etc.
Choose Parrot Toys Specially Made for Them
Something to consider when buying parrot toys, no matter what you decide to take, is to opt for colourful toys, as parrots find them very interesting. Did you know that these birds know how to distinguish colours? As earlier said, they are very intelligent; therefore, you should not be surprised if you see them doing it. If you do not have too much space, you do not need to take big toys as you can simply opt for chains or swings; these are accessories as much as mirrors and ropes, which birds love very much.
Once in a while, try getting new toys to replace the old ones so that you keep your pet interested. Do not throw away the old toys; instead, place them in another place, as you will see that your parrot will be interested again in the same toys after a while. If you bought something new, but your bird does not seem to like it, do not take it away or force your bird to play with it either. Let it be nearby so the parrot gets used to seeing it.
After a while, you will see that the parrot will start playing with it as it will be curious to see what it is all about. Also, if you have some imagination and some building skills, you can do yourself some parrot toys so that your bird can safely play inside the house. There are plenty of materials online from where you can get your inspiration regarding what type of toys you can build for your parrot, if you feel up to the challenge. If not, you better stick to buying them from the pet store.
Do You Have Any Creative Hidden Talents?
If you think you can make some toys for your birds to play with, you should try it. You can use ropes, boxes, and paper, but every accessory has specific recommendations. If you use paper, it must be white, as other types can be toxic. The ropes must be very clean, and by all means, never use buttons or everything small that a bird can swallow. Also, never use anything made of metal, as they can be poisoning in case of swallowing. It seems pretty complicated, doesn’t it?
That is why most people give up very fast on the idea of doing parrot toys themselves, as they do not risk hurting their birds by doing things they do not know. There are so many accessories for birds in pet stores that, honestly, only someone passionate about DIY should do something like this, as you may find anything you need in stores. Plus, what you buy you are sure that it is safe for your parrot to use, therefore you have no worries that any type of incident may happen.
Bird accessories are not so expensive, but you shouldn’t go for the cheapest, either. And that is because cheaper ones are usually made from more rigid plastic, which is not recommended for birds. You should orientate to accessories for climbing, and chewing, therefore some branches and ropes will always do the trick. Even if it is tempting, do not take branches from any tree in your area, as some can be toxic for them. Also, this must be remembered on and on, never leave small objects near your bird, as the danger of swallowing it is huge.
Leave Your Bird Outside its Cage
Even if your bird lives in its cage and has everything it needs, from food and water to parrot toys, that does not mean you do not need to let it outside the cage. Birds are species that like flying freely; therefore, you need to let your bird do that. Of course, that must be done when you are at home, and you can follow them. Just make sure not to leave any small objects that can be dangerous, as they are very curious about everything around them, especially if they are coloured things.
Something that parrots also like is bells. Therefore, these should be the perfect idea for a present if you go to someone’s house who has a bird pet and do not want to go empty-handed. These birds love accessories that emit sounds, therefore, you should consider if you have a bird or intend to get one. As earlier mentioned they also love mirrors, as they enjoy admiring themselves. There are many things birds like when it comes to toys, but what they want is spending time with them.
Like any other pet, no matter how many parrot toys you will get for your bird, she always looks for your attention. A pet will offer you unconditional love, but you must also give him your attention and spend some time with it. With parrots, it is easy to interact as you do not need to do any intensive physical activity but instead talk to them. Also, you can opt for a bird-playing partner and see how that goes. It would be nice for your bird to have someone constantly near, someone to spend its time when owners are not home.