Birds are amazing creatures, with their colourful feathers and melodic thrills, making them excellent additions to households. However, along the years, they have become some of the most misunderstood pets as well. Many people get birds, without knowing how much care they actually need, or how loud they can get. They also can make quite the mess in their cage, needing a lot of cleaning, but can also be destructive, scratching furniture or leaving feathers all around.
Unlike dogs or cats, they are not domesticated animals. Although, with care and training they can become someone’s best friend, that is not an easy task to achieve. They are also not pets that you can just keep in their enclosure, like reptiles or fish. They need a lot of space in which to spread their wings. They can also easily fall sick and, unlike with cats and dogs, bird vets are a lot harder to come by. If you are, however, sure you can keep up with a bird, here are a few things to keep in mind.
How to Pick Your First Feathered Friend
The first thing to think about when getting a bird is whether you want to nurse one back to health or get one that is already healthy. If this is your first bird, the best course of action is to get an already healthy one since taking care of one that might be sick or hurt is better suited for people who already have experience with them. So, how does one tell if a bird is healthy?
The first giveaway is the state of the shop and the cage you find the bird in. If the place is not in great shape, it does not have clean cages or water bottles, or the birds are kept in small, crowded spaces, unfortunately it is very probable that the bird is not well taken care of. The next step is to look at details such as feathers, beak, feet or eyes for deformities or any sign of disease.
Your Clingy Friend or Independent Roommate?
It is recommended to get a younger bird in order to tame it quicker and make it accustomed to you more easily. Young birds also bond faster to their owners. Picking a young bird is quite simple, since the size difference between mature birds and their young is noticeable.
In case you want to get more than one bird, you have to be aware of the fact that, when together, they will give each other a lot more attention than to their owner. They feel more comfortable along their own kind so they might prefer hanging out together and less with you. That can either be a good or bad thing, depending on how much time you have to spend and play with them. However, whether you want them to always be by your side or you’d rather have them mind their own business, training is still mandatory.
Bird Perches and Playtime
Another important aspect in caring for you feathered friend is making sure they always have new and safe toys to enjoy and to keep busy with. There are bird playgrounds you can get for your bird, that area placed outside of the cage. Those keep the bird’s interest, offering them entertainment and keeping them from scratching or biting on furniture, diminishing destructive behaviour.
When it comes to bird perches, the best idea is to give your bird perches made out of wood and it is also recommended that, at least once in a while, to change the perch’s location. That will also keep your bird interested and entertained.
Food & Care
Regardless of the size of the bird, it is best to always get your bird the biggest cage you can, and get more bird perches so they have space to hop around. They love to fly around too so, in case you cannot allow your pet bird to just sear the skies of your living room at all times, it is best to give it enough space in their cage for them to be able to move around as freely as they want. In case you stay awake late into the night, it is also recommended to have a cage cover. It will help your bird sleep better while you are still awake.
A hack that you can use in your bird keeping journey is apple cider vinegar. Not only is it useful in cleaning the cage, but you can also put a few drops in your bird’s water once a week, for vitamins. Other important accessories to buy for your bird are a calcium block and a bird bath. There are also first aid kits for birds, which are handy to keep close, just in case your bird gets hurt while playing.
When to Get Your Bird Their First Friend
Most birds are very social creatures. They always hang out in large flocks in the wild. One way to keep them happy is interacting with them at least four hours a day. If left alone, they can become very stressed and lonely, or even depressed. If you have the time it takes to hang out with your bird, then getting it a friend is not necessary. However, if you know you can’t always pay attention to your bird, getting it a friend is mandatory. That way, they can keep each other company while you are away.
This does mean that you will have to clean after both of them more often and it will also get a bit more expensive too, since they will both need food, toys, and their own bird perches. Keep in mind that, in case you get a second bird, it is better to quarantine it for around thirty days before having them meet. That way, you make sure that the new bird does not carry any disease. So, with all this in mind, you can be sure that you are ready to welcome your first feathered friend in their new home.