What is podcast Submission?

What is a podcast submission? This is a question I get asked quite frequently by newcomers to podcasting. A podcast is defined as a collection of digital media distributed over the Internet using syndication feeds for download. In other words, it is a way of sharing audio and/or video. It got its start in the early 1990s, and although the technology has changed quite a bit since then, there are still many places on the Internet where you can listen to podcasts.

The first step to getting started with podcast submission is to find yourself an appropriate podcast submission site. There are quite a few sites available, but it is important that you choose one that suits your needs. Do you plan on only submitting one podcast, or will you be submitting a variety? Some hosts enjoy the RSS feed, while others may prefer to have an audio file. Once you determine your preferred method, you’ll need to register your account with the chosen site.

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The next step in the process of podcasting submission is to choose a podcast directory. There are two basic types of directories: free and paid. Typically, a free directory will allow anyone to submit their podcast for free, but you must provide links to the source for any sales or promotions. Paid directories typically charge a fee, but offer higher quality production and more security.

Once you have chosen a podcast submission site, subscribe to it. Usually, these services require a user name and password. Make sure that these are correct and up-to-date. Many times they will automatically renew your membership with no additional charge. After you subscribe, you’re ready to submit your podcast. It is important that your URL includes the keyword or keywords that you want to use in order to maximize your exposure.

Read Also: What is Video Submission?

Podcast directories allow audio and video content to be syndicated throughout the internet by allowing users to subscribe to feeds. The submission process typically begins by providing an upload with an audio file that needs converting to MP3 format. You then choose whether you want to include a text description, a link to your website, and your podcast information. You’ll then click “Submit” and your podcast will be published on the site. It may take several minutes before your feed appears on the site.

There are several benefits to using a podcast submission site. If you own a large podcast that you want to generate revenue from, you can submit your audio files to the site for future syndication. If you don’t have a large podcast, you can use it as a part of a marketing campaign by giving away your episodes in exchange for feedback or sharing the link on social networking sites. Using a submission site helps to generate traffic and awareness for your podcast.

How do I find out more about the podcast submission? There are many sources online that can help you learn what is podcast submission? Search the internet for sites that offer submission services. Most of these services will charge a monthly fee for membership or a one-time fee for single use. Choose the service that best fits your needs. Most offer podcast templates that you can use to create your podcast.

When submitting your podcast, make sure to provide a link back to your website. This will help potential podcast viewers find your podcast and provide additional publicity. Don’t worry if you are new to podcasting. Most submission services will offer step by step guides to help you get started. Remember, the submission process does not have to be tedious!

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