What is Amazon Attribution for Advertising?

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital advertising, marketers are constantly seeking ways to measure the effectiveness of their campaigns and optimize their strategies. One tool that has gained significant traction is Amazon Attribution. Amazon Attribution is a powerful analytics and measurement solution provided by Amazon that allows advertisers to track the impact of their off-Amazon marketing efforts on Amazon sales.

How does Amazon Attribution work?

Amazon Attribution works by providing unique tracking codes, also known as tags, that advertisers can incorporate into their marketing campaigns across various channels, such as social media, display ads, search ads, email marketing, and more. These tags help attribute sales and conversions on Amazon to specific marketing touchpoints, providing valuable insights into the customer journey and campaign performance.

Benefits of using Amazon Attribution

Using Amazon Attribution offers several benefits for advertisers. Firstly, it provides a holistic view of the customer journey, allowing advertisers to understand how their marketing efforts contribute to sales on Amazon. This data helps identify the most effective channels, campaigns, and keywords that drive conversions on the platform.

Secondly, Amazon Attribution enables advertisers to optimize their advertising strategies by identifying which channels and campaigns generate the highest return on investment (ROI). By understanding the impact of different touchpoints on customer behavior, advertisers can allocate their budgets more effectively and optimize their messaging and targeting.

Integrating Amazon Attribution with advertising campaigns

To leverage the power of Amazon Attribution, advertisers need to integrate it into their advertising campaigns. This involves setting up the necessary tracking tags provided by Amazon and implementing them across various marketing channels. By doing so, advertisers can accurately measure the impact of their off-Amazon advertising on Amazon sales.

Integrating Amazon Attribution requires coordination between advertisers, their advertising partners, and Amazon. Advertisers need to work closely with their partners to ensure the tags are correctly implemented and trackable across all marketing channels.

Tracking and analyzing performance with Amazon Attribution

Once Amazon Attribution is integrated into advertising campaigns, advertisers can start tracking and analyzing their performance data. The platform provides detailed reports and insights, allowing advertisers to evaluate the effectiveness of their campaigns at different stages of the customer journey.

Advertisers can track metrics such as clicks, detail page views, purchase rate, and sales attributed to their off-Amazon advertising efforts. This granular data helps in making data-driven decisions and optimizing future campaigns.

Understanding the limitations of Amazon Attribution

While Amazon Attribution offers valuable insights and measurement capabilities, it’s important to understand its limitations. Amazon Attribution focuses on tracking the impact of off-Amazon advertising on Amazon sales, and it doesn’t provide insights into the overall customer journey beyond Amazon.

Additionally, Amazon Attribution relies on users clicking on ads and making purchases within a 14-day window. This means that longer customer journeys or delayed conversions may not be fully captured by the platform. Advertisers should consider these limitations when interpreting the data and making strategic decisions.

Best practices for utilizing Amazon Attribution effectively

To make the most of Amazon Attribution, advertisers should follow some best practices:

  1. Set clear goals and objectives for your advertising campaigns.
  2. Ensure proper integration of tracking tags across all marketing channels.
  3. Regularly monitor and analyze performance data to identify areas for improvement.
  4. Experiment with different messaging, creatives, and targeting strategies to optimize performance.
  5. Collaborate with advertising partners and leverage their expertise to maximize results.

Case studies and success stories

Several brands and advertisers have successfully leveraged Amazon Attribution to optimize their advertising campaigns. For example, a leading electronics brand used Amazon Attribution to identify the specific social media channels that were driving the highest sales on Amazon. By reallocating their budget to those channels, they were able to significantly increase their return on ad spend (ROAS).

Another case study involved a beauty brand that used Amazon Attribution to measure the impact of their email marketing campaigns on Amazon sales. By analyzing the data provided by the platform, they were able to refine their email targeting and content, resulting in a substantial boost in conversions.


Amazon Attribution provides advertisers with a valuable tool to measure and optimize their off-Amazon advertising efforts. By tracking the impact of various marketing touchpoints on Amazon sales, advertisers can gain insights into the customer journey, allocate their budgets effectively, and optimize their advertising strategies. However, it’s crucial to understand the limitations of Amazon Attribution and supplement it with other measurement tools for a comprehensive view of the entire customer journey.

Mathew Johnson


Developing SEO & SEM strategies to maximize performance and ROI for the enterprise, small business clients and Implementing and managing SEO & SEM campaigns.

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