How to Choose Safe and Entertaining Bird Toys

If you have a bird at home or plan to buy/adopt one, then you need to know the importance of bird toys, and how they help develop cognitive skills. These toys are not necessary just to be around and entertain birds, so you can enjoy them altogether, but they are crucial for the proper development of your feathered friend. Knowing what toys are safe and suitable for every bird or parrot is crucial.

Boredom is very dangerous for birds, because it leads to destructive behavior, anxiety, depression, and soon enough, you will witness your companion facing serious issues. This includes biting, screaming, plucking their feathers, not eating, and more. Parrot toys are essential to keep them stimulated, to allow them to mimic some of the actions they manifest while in the wild. Even though you keep them inside and they grow indoors, it doesn’t mean they don’t have natural instincts.

Why Bird Toys Are Essential

Keeping your pet active and in good physical shape is possible with the right bird toys . For instance, if you place swings in their cages, then they are more active and exercise more. Wooden toys are great, considering that parrots can sharpen their beaks by chewing on them. In the wild, parrots spend most of the day and night looking for food, and as pets, they have the necessary supplies right under their eyes.

This means that it is necessary to keep them busy with plenty of toys, and some of them are designed especially for foraging. While you are busy and unable to spend time with your pet, they can enjoy the toys and interact with them. It is even better for some breeds to have companions, and it is recommended to look into this aspect when you get the companion. Otherwise, they get bored and they become unsociable, being even harder to interact with your feathered friend.

What is more, parrots that have plenty of access to a variety of parrot toys are more independent and they don’t show signs of aggressive behavior. You can find so many types in pet shops, designed especially for the type of bird you have. Some of them are designed for certain activities and actions, such as cuddling, foraging, destroying, sharpening beaks, and much more. This makes it easier to shop and always stock new items.

Types of Parrot Toys You Can Buy

Foraging parrot toys are among the essential ones you should always have around. You can find them in pet stores and in some cases, you can make them at home. Foraging toys means that something has to be hidden inside, usually food, and parrots need to solve the puzzle or open the toy in order to access it. You can find plenty of colorful and noise-making items where you can place treats inside.

This will keep your pet curious and use its skills and beak to access the food inside. Your pet should work for the treats, and they will feel very satisfied when they get to the center and have a great bite. And when you are not around your companion, you can leave a couple of toys around, so they stay entertained and they have an occupation. When you return, socialize together, play, sing, and make the most of the time.

Chewing toys

Chewing bird toys are among the popular types as well. Just like dogs and cats, birds require to chew as well, because they have to maintain their beaks healthy, strong, and sharp. Toys in this category can be made from paper, wood, or more durable metals, plastic, and such. It is essential to observe your companion and always make sure the toys are in good condition and don’t present a choking hazard.

In the long run, once you have these bird toys available within the house, you will notice how your companion will stay away from your furniture and even curtains. The range of items available at pet shops is impressive, and you will certainly find something your companion will like. Keep in mind to purchase products suitable for their size and age, so they are safe in all situations.

Preening toys

Preening bird toys are useful for birds that have a history of over-preening or those that don’t have a partner and live alone. In case your feathered companion lacks physical contact or it is in their nature to be with the flock, then comfort toys come in handy. They can snuggle with them, or even preen, performing different social rituals.

Parrot toys must be designed from bird-safe fibers, so your pet doesn’t choke on the materials. All these toys are designed for physical stimulation, but birds require mental stimulation as well. Mechanical puzzles are suitable in this situation, because they are made from durable materials, and they help stimulate their minds. Toys with fasteners and bolts are great options for unscrewing snacks from the cage.

How to Choose Safe Parrot Toys

Parrots love to chew through things, so always make sure the toys you buy are safe, non-toxic, and as natural as possible. For instance, when you purchase wooden toys, make sure the wood if non-toxic and hasn’t been treated. Otherwise, your parrot might end up with health issues and you will not know the source. Some of the types of wood safe for parrots include balsa, pine, walnut, maple, apple, ash, and such.

Even when it comes to metals you should pay attention, safe versions include stainless steel and nickel-plated. Copper, zinc, rust, or lead are considered toxic. When you buy toys from any shop or when you consider making them on your own, investigate the materials used, and do your homework.

You should always protect your companion and look after them. Bird toys with small holes or gaps are to be used under your supervision, so that your pet will not choke or get strangled while playing. Always keep count of your pet’s size when you purchase toys, and luckily at pet shops you can find toys for all  breeds.

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