Your home is the crowning achievement of your financial efforts and a tool you can use to get out of dire economic circumstances. Want to move to another city? Do you want to buy a property closer to your place of work? Are you looking to increase the usable space of your household? In this case, your property will be your bargaining chip for economic prosperity. But at the same time, a house can also entail constant expenses that are difficult to manage. Do you need an extra income? Want to take advantage of the ever-increasing real estate market of Australia’s most influential cities? If so, an excellent idea would be to use the services of granny flat builders in Sydney.
The granny flat builders you contact will build an ADU that is in tune with your specifications and that you can rent at a reasonable price. Granny flats are versatile and easy-to-plan constructions that are significantly cheaper than relocating to new homes. Need extra space for your daily activities? Do you want your children to have more privacy? Do you wish for the market value of your home to be enhanced? If so, an ADU built by specialists in granny flat designs in Sydney could be the key to your household’s economic stability.
When constructed by reputable granny flat builders, ADUs can boost the local economy, improve your family’s standard of living, and are the most cost-effective way to increase the usable square footage of your property. Are granny flats the future of Australian real estate? As the situation stands, it looks that way. Granny flats can be a solution to the housing shortages that are occurring in most Australian cities and are the most effective way to increase the market value of your primary property.
What Are the Rental Advantages?
Sydney’s real estate market has undergone accelerated growth in recent years, which has resulted in rental prices that are unmanageable for much of the Australian population. However, the state of the real estate market can also have its advantages if you are looking for a passive income. The granny flat builders in Sydney you call could build an ADU according to your specifications that you can rent for a substantial sum. For how much? This will depend on your property’s location and the facilities you provide.
The average rent in the “Harbour City” has reached $750 per week, which represents one of the highest values on the planet. At the same time, the construction of a one-bedroom ADU will, in most cases, require an investment of between $120,000 and $150,000. If you choose to rent your recently constructed granny flat for a flat rate of $650 per week, and your yearly occupancy rate is 90%, then your income at the end of the tax season will be approximately $30,000. In other words, in just five years, your investment could pay for itself.
Of course, rental income is taxable, and how much you have to pay will be determined by your income bracket. Nevertheless, from a returns perspective, investing in ADUs is one of the most sensible investments for the vast majority of the Australian population. Our country’s major cities are facing a housing shortage that will not be remedied any time soon. Do you want to capitalise on the ever-increasing demand for affordable housing while also providing benefits to tenants and the local economy? If so, you can’t do better than with ADUs manufactured by specialists in granny flat designs.
What About the Resell Benefits?
The average listing price of homes in Sydney has crossed the $1.6 million threshold. This is terrible news if you are looking for a new home, but it may be good business if you already own a home in an excellent residential area. Are you planning to use the services of experts in granny flat designs in Sydney? If so, you would be making a wise decision that will eventually bring you significant returns. As an example, let’s say your home is worth $1.35 million, and you’ve invested another $150,000 in building an ADU based on your specifications.
The granny flat will add a minimum of 30% to your property market price and will also potentially help with your tax returns. With the construction of the ADU, the selling price of your property could exceed $1.8 million, which means a net profit, if we subtract the cost of building the granny flat, of $250,000. That’s not bad, and things get even better if we account for the long-term yearly rental income, which can approach $30-35,000. ADUs are flexible and profitable financial instruments that, in the hands of a granny flat design specialist, can be the building block of your financial prosperity.
A Cost-Effective Construction
Do you need extra space? Do you want to move into a home with increased square footage that is located in a developing residential area? Then the market says you have to pay a premium. How much? It depends, but the difference between the selling price of your dwelling and the purchase price of a more spacious home could be several hundred thousand dollars. An ADU, in almost all cases, is going to be a more cost-effective investment, and although it will require high upfront costs, it will bring you significant returns.
Granny flats can be simple buildings that you can use as storage space, or they can be living quarters that you can rent at a great price. Moreover, the paperwork required for their construction is straightforward, as in NSW, ADUs do not require council approval. The labour costs associated with granny flats are lower than in the case of traditional house renovation projects, and the long-term maintenance costs of these types of constructions are low. ADUs can bring you a significant ROI and, at the same time, be a mirror of your creativity.
The Most Versatile Real Estate Investment on the Market
Sydney is not just a city but a true metropolis where the demand for affordable housing has reached record levels. Do you want to capitalise on the ever-increasing prices for the locally listed properties? If so, perhaps the best idea you could come up with would be to enlist the expert services of granny flat design specialists. Compared to other constructions, granny flats are inexpensive to build and can provide a significant boost to the market value of your primary property. Plus, they facilitate passive income and can be rented for at least 80 to 90% of the median rental rates that are practised in the region.
Granny flats can be a way to beat inflation. Moreover, when you decide to sell, they can bring you a Capital Gains Tax exemption and facilitate deductions for expenses incurred in the rental process. When constructed by specialists in granny flat designs, ADUs can be used as extensions of your property’s usable space, they can be financial tools for significant returns, and they can be the best addition to your backyard.