Resinous flowers, trichomes, and dense cannabinoid profiles are the key components of cannabis cultivation. Only female flowers possess these wonderful qualities. Having gardens full of strong, unpollinated sinsemilla females results in jars of crusty nuggets that are good for the mind and body.
The main drawback is that cannabis is designed to create around 50% male seeds and 50% female seeds unless you cultivate from clones. It is simply the beast’s nature.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every plant could produce every female from Citradelic Sunset seeds?
That’s where the feminizing approach comes into play, which uses two different methods to change the cannabis plant’s genetic makeup so that it always bears only female offspring. To be honest, it’s not always the case. However, 99% of the time is a respectable percentage and might be regarded as completely male risk-free.
Feminization generally involves forcing female plants to produce pollen, which is then utilized to fertilize additional female plants. What happened? The resulting seeds won’t need to be further pollinated because they’ll be feminized.
Why Feminize?
Both indoor and outdoor gardeners benefit greatly from the use of feminized seeds. Plants that will be removed two weeks following the 12–12 flip are not receiving space, time, or resources. Similar to indoor plants, feminized plants are a fantastic strategy to lessen guerilla crop pollination outside, where a huge plant may take up a lot of time and money in maintenance before the fall flower display. There is nothing sadder than bushwhacking to a crop that is properly concealed, only to discover that a few renegade male plants have fertilized all of the female plants.
Inhibit That Ethylene
Applications that lower tissues’ ethylene levels or counteract ethylene’s effects result in the development of male flowers rather than female ones.
To produce male pollen sacs on female plants, a variety of solutions can be sprayed, including benzothiadiazole, gibberellic acid, silver thiosulphate, silver nitrate, and colloidal silver.
The simplest to get or create is colloidal silver. It is easy to get online or at a pharmacist’s and is non-toxic and non-caustic. Except for gibberellic acid, which is available in nurseries but is less potent than colloidal silver, the other treatments can be risky, costly, and difficult to get. But try gibberellic acid if you want to observe some bizarre plant development simply for fun. It stimulates growth and causes plants to extend continually.
A solution made of distilled water called colloidal silver contains minute silver particles floating in the fluid. Colloidal particles, by their very nature, never settle out and cannot be filtered out using standard methods. If you want to be a complete nerd, you can produce your own colloidal silver, which is also sold commercially (see a how-to section at the end). It can serve a variety of purposes in alternative medicine. As an antibacterial, digestive aid, and burn soother, for instance, as well as a fungus control in horticulture.
Make certain that the strength is at least 15ppm, ideally 30ppm. Male sacs with little viable pollen are produced when less than 15 ppm is present.
First, choose a plant that possesses the traits you wish to keep. Clones of Citradelic Sunset are typically feminized because the mother’s growth, flowering, and resin qualities are already known. Once a clone is well-rooted, no more vegetative time is required. Put the clone into a little pot, allow it to recuperate for a day or two, then start the 12-12 light cycle straight away. Given that cannabis generates a tonne of pollen, a plant that produces pollen just has to be modest.